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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 5: 2/24/2010

Hi Everyone......I am at home with my parents and sister Sasha. I am settling in well and have been enjoying looking around my home - so much to take in! Mummy tried to put me in the bassinette that she had organizied - but I am not having any of that, I prefer to be cuddled up with her.

I only want cuddles & snuggles................

My thanks I prefer snuggles.......


Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 4: 2/23/2010

Mummy & Me!

Auntie Laura & Me

My eyes do open....sometimes!

Cutie pie!......I inherited the "horseman" dimple......

Day 3: 2/22/2010

Yeah! my sister Sasha is going to visit me today. I am very excited about meeting her. I have heard her- but this is the first time I get to meet her. I wonder what she looks like?......

Enjoy the photos of her visit with me & Daddy...............

Day 2: 2/21/2010

Hi everyone!
I love eating & sleeping - it is great being born.
Mummy & Daddy with my sister Sasha are very excited about my arrival in the world. My Mummy and me are still in the hospital. I will see my sister Sasha tomorrow when Daddy comes for a visit. My Auntie Barbie came to visit today as well - here are the latest pictures, I hope that you enjoy them.


Day 1 : 2/20/2010

2/20/2010 - I arrived into the world at 8.11am

Hi my name is George Benedict Kozak (5th generation) on 2/20/2010 I was born into this wonderful world. The doctors say a healthy 9/9 score on the apgar scale- which meant that once I was cleaned up I was able to see my parents straight away - most importantly my Mummy for a good breast-feed....phew it's hungry work being born so yes I was keen for a good feed - bring it on!
My Daddy George (4th generation) and my Mummy Samantha were so excited about seeing me -however, I just wanted to eat & sleep.Today I continue on my journey called life!
I hope you enjoy my blog........

Friday, February 19, 2010

Me in 4D (37 weeks) - sneak preview of baby boy kozak

If you look closely you can see my face!

For the next photo you will need to tilt your neck to the left - and again you will see my face

Next blog entry I will be this space.
Baby Boy Kozak

Friday, February 12, 2010


Hi everybody!

So many of you have been wondering what names my parents have been thinking about calling me. Well so far there is not one particular name that they have 100% committed to. However there is a short list.

Here are some givens: we know for certain that my Mummy wants to wait and see me first to really make her final decision, just like she did with my sister Sasha. I am also certain that being a 4th generation "George Benedict Kozak" - that George will be featured somewhere in my name.

So as to keep you in suspense I'll post the short list on my next this space........

Baby boy Kozak (BBK)

37 Weeks - scan

Hi everyone
You will have to be creative with this scan. If you tilt your head to the right side you can see my face !
If you don't have any luck you can wait until my 4D scan is loaded.

Baby Boy Kozak

Thursday, February 11, 2010

37 Weeks

Hi everyone!

I am now regarded as a full term baby! This means that if I arrive into the world now, my lungs are fully mature and I am now ready to adjust to life outside the womb. My latest scan reveals that I am 3 kg now and my head and organs are all the right size.

My Mummy & Auntie Barbie (unfortunately Auntie Sally can't make it) can't wait to see me, so they are going to see me on the large screen at the 4-D scan next week - as a sneak preview.So yes there will be more photos to add to my blog!

My Mummy & Daddy are getting ready for my arrival into the wonderful world, even my sister Sasha keeps checking in the basinette to see if I have arirved. I am getting excited about meeting my family - I hear all the chatting and activity that is going on and I am eager to be part of it. Each night I still enjoy the lovely relaxing classic music (and other genres such as new age,musical acupuncture and angels) that my Mummy plays for me via her i-touch.

Get ready for me .....Feb 20th 2010!
Baby Boy Kozak

Friday, February 5, 2010


This is a scan of me back in December.......enjoy!

Baby Boy Kozak