Hi everyone!
I am now regarded as a full term baby! This means that if I arrive into the world now, my lungs are fully mature and I am now ready to adjust to life outside the womb. My latest scan reveals that I am 3 kg now and my head and organs are all the right size.
My Mummy & Auntie Barbie (unfortunately Auntie Sally can't make it) can't wait to see me, so they are going to see me on the large screen at the 4-D scan next week - as a sneak preview.So yes there will be more photos to add to my blog!
My Mummy & Daddy are getting ready for my arrival into the wonderful world, even my sister Sasha keeps checking in the basinette to see if I have arirved. I am getting excited about meeting my family - I hear all the chatting and activity that is going on and I am eager to be part of it. Each night I still enjoy the lovely relaxing classic music (and other genres such as new age,musical acupuncture and angels) that my Mummy plays for me via her i-touch.
Get ready for me .....Feb 20th 2010!
Baby Boy Kozak