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Saturday, August 21, 2010

7 months

Hi everyone.....
Life is getting busy with lots of activity from Friday Brunches with family friends, visits with friends, hangin out at home, as well as getting into a good book! We are getting ready for our annual vacation, so there is a lot of organzing to do. My Mummy & Daddy are very busy with the organizing, it wil be there first big vacation with both me and Sasha. It will be a really exciting trip to the US. I am so looking forward to seeing my Ga-Ga, aunts & uncles, and cousins. It will be fab! Hope you enjoy the recent photos.....

Life is great in my jumparoo!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

6 months

Hi everybody

Can you believe that I am now six months - half a year! It has been a very busy summer month with lots of activity from gym class, wellness & music class, to swimming in the pool! My swimming is going really well I am now doing submersion's with lots of floating too. I am really enjoying my jumparoo and can even spin around in it. I am having a bit if a tough time since my teeth are starting to come through. I don't whinge too much - but have my hand in my mouth a lot. Hope you enjoy my latest photos!



Yah! my shoes!

Lovin' my jumparoo.....jump!jump! and spin....